Generating a Bundle of Unlocked Products

You can define a bundle of one or more Unlocked Products for distribution as trialware or for use during a grace period.

Alternatively, you can produce a bundle of Unlocked Products that do not have trialware or grace period attributes, but which must be immediately activated by the end user to enable the software to run. To generate this type of bundle, use the procedure for preparing a recipient machine for a detachable license. In the installation, include a prompt for the end user to register the Product key in order to activate the application.

After you create an Unlocked Products bundle, you produce an output file that contains the Unlocked Product license and the Vendor DLL that is installed on the end-user machine.

To produce a bundle of Unlocked Products:

1.Select Developer > Bundle Unlocked Products. The Bundle Unlocked Products tab opens.

2.From the Batch Code list, select a Batch Code.

3.Click Add Product. The Products dialog box opens, showing the list of Unlocked Products that are defined for the selected batch.

4.Select one or more Unlocked Products to add to the bundle, and click OK. The selected Unlocked Product is added to the Product Details list.

5.Generate the required output file:

Click Produce V2C to generate a file that can be used with RUS (Sentinel Remote Update System). You use a V2C file to generate a Sentinel Run-time Environment installer executable.

Click Produce EXE to generate an executable file containing V2C data.

6.Download and save the file.