Defining Memory Data
The Memory tab of the Product properties page enables you to define the layout and contents of the memory data associated with the Product. This data is written to the Sentinel protection keys when an order for the Product is produced, or when the Product is activated using a Sentinel protection key.
You can define segments in memory according to your requirements, and you can select different colors for the segments to make it easy to identify them. After you define a memory segment, you can enter data into the segment. You can redefine the data and segment layout as required. Alternatively, you can select the Specify at Entitlement time check box for one or more segments to enable staff to enter Customer-specific data when an order is being processed. You can associate both dynamic memory and default memory with a product.
>Default Memory: Default memory is smaller in size than dynamic memory and is specific to the product for which it is defined. You use default memory to define segments in memory according to your requirements.
>Dynamic Memory: Dynamic memory is significantly larger than default memory. Dynamic memory space is shared between dynamic memory files (the space available to you for your applications, similar to default memory files) and license data (features and product). All space that is not used for license data can be divided into dynamic memory files. Each dynamic memory file is assigned an identifier, which is used by your application to refer to that file. You can either assign a file size when you create it, or allow the file size to be assigned automatically based on the amount of data that is written to the file. You can reuse these files across products. For more information, see Managing Dynamic Memory.
Default Memory
To define a new segment and data in memory:
1.Select Catalog > Products.
2.Either select a Product in Draft state from the list of Products or click New Product.
3.Click the Memory tab.
4.In the Type box, select Default Memory.
5.In the Memory Type box, select the required memory type for the new segment:
•Read/Write Memory: Data that can be updated at run-time, for example, value variables for counters, and information retrieved during interaction with the end user.
•Read-Only Memory: Data to be read at run-time, for example, the Product version number, text to be used in a "Welcome" message, and fixed threshold values for counters.
6. If you prefer to use hexadecimal definitions instead of decimal definitions to define offset locations and addresses in memory, select the Hex addresses check box.
7.(Optional) Define a new area in memory, click New. The New Memory Segment dialog box opens.
a.Enter a Name (maximum 50 characters) and Description (maximum 250 characters) for the new memory segment.
b. Enter the Offset and Length of the new segment. You can select a Color from the palettes that will help you identify the segment.
NOTE Length can have value 1–4032 for read/write memory and 1–2048 for read-only memory.
c.In the Text field, enter the memory data.
NOTE You must exercise caution while entering memory data in this field. Copying and pasting data from the Sentinel LDK Toolbox may lead to data modification during the copying process.
d. If you require the memory data for the New Memory Segment to be entered during Entitlement generation, select the Specify at Entitlement time check box.
NOTE When defining memory data for an Unlocked Product, you cannot specify that the data will be entered during Entitlement generation.
e. Click Save. The newly defined area is displayed in the lower section of the Memory tab. The segment addresses are displayed on the left.
To edit segments and data in memory:
> To edit the offset, size, or color of a memory segment, select the segment and click Edit. Modify as needed and click Save to update the changes.
> To delete a memory segment, select the segment and click Delete. The segment is deleted.
> To save a memory segment as an XML file, select the segment and click Save. The File Download dialog box appears. Save the file to a directory in your system (default file name is memory.xml).
>To load a memory segment from a file, click Load. In the Load Memory File dialog box, click Browse to navigate to the directory containing the saved memory segments, select the required memory segment, and click Load. The selected memory segment is loaded.
NOTE During Product definition, a loaded memory segment overwrites any pre-existing memory in that segment.
> To unload a previously loaded memory segment from a file, select the segment and click the Undo. The memory unloads the last-loaded segment.
>To display the memory map click Map.
When you have finished defining the memory segments and data, you can click the Select Feature tab to continue defining the properties for the Product.
When you finish defining the Product properties, click Save. The new or updated Product is displayed in the Products page.
Dynamic Memory
To define a new segment and data in dynamic memory:
1.Prerequisite: Make sure that the required dynamic memory files exist (Catalog > Dynamic Memory). For details, see Creating Dynamic Memory.
2.Select Catalog > Products.
3.Either select a Product in Draft state from the list of Products or click New Product.
4. Click the Memory tab.
5.In the Type box, select Dynamic Memory.
6.Click Add Memory. The Add Memory Files to Product dialog box opens.
7.Select the check box for the required memory files and click Add Memory. The selected memory files are associated to the Product.
NOTE Each dynamic memory file associated with a single product must have a unique FileID.
8.Click the Configure link corresponding Dynamic Memory file added to configure details. The Memory Segment Details dialog box opens.
9.Configure details as required.
10.Click Save.
TIP To remove an existing memory segment, select the check box corresponding to it and click Delete Memory.
11.When you finish defining the Product properties, click Save as Complete. The new or updated Product is displayed in the Products page.